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Effective Retirement Planning for Baby Boomers…

By |December 16th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Bank Vs. Broker, Borrower Obligations, General Mortgage Info, Reverse Mortgage Benefits, Reverse Mortgage Changes|

WSJ Says: “Reverse mortgage loans aren’t just for people struggling to keep their homes anymore.” It seems the word is out: reverse mortgages aren’t just for the financially desperate. In fact, they can be a valuable source of retirement planning when used correctly. In an article, “Reverse Mortgages Can Help Rich and Poor [...]

Reverse Mortgage FAQ: What’s a Reverse Purchase?

By |December 11th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Bank Vs. Broker, Florida Retirement, General Mortgage Info, Mortgage Requirements, Retirement Planning, Reverse Mortgage Benefits|

Reverse Mortgage FAQ: What’s a Reverse Purchase? The beauty of the reverse mortgage loan is its adaptability. What began as a largely unknown option in the real estate in the 1960’s became a viable option for seniors in the 90’s when the Federal Housing Administration unveiled it’s FHA-insured reverse mortgage. Flashforward 20 years, [...]

Success Is Earned, Not Given

By |December 9th, 2013|Categories: South Florida|

Being a self starter is difficult business. Even being successful in a company of millions can become a hassle, and, after months (maybe years) of yearning for success, and not achieving it, you wonder why you’re not as successful as you should be. I think it’s an important factor to consider. [...]

How Baby Boomers Will Change Retirement (Planning)

By |December 9th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Bank Vs. Broker, Florida Retirement, Retirement Myths, Reverse Mortgage Benefits|

Every generation will leave their mark somehow, someway. While we can never be sure what their mark will, it seems that the baby boomer generation will leave its mark on retirement (and what future generations will think about it for years to come). An article published in Senior Living (based [...]

Digital Postcards…Yay or Nay?

By |December 5th, 2013|Categories: South Florida|

Postcards can be a nice gesture in a world that, little by little, continues to dive into technological methods of communication. Aside from face-to-face communication, postcards (or any handwritten note for the matter) provide a more intimate connection to people than just sending another email or text. In light of [...]

Aging in Place Becomes More Prominent

By |November 25th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Bank Vs. Broker, Florida Retirement, General Mortgage Info, Mortgage Requirements, Reverse Mortgage Benefits, Reverse Mortgage Changes|

Aging in Place is becoming more important even as long term care costs continue to rise. While some retirees or future retirees consider, and insist, on moving, others want to stay where they are comfortable, in a place they have called home for many years. It’s becoming increasingly difficult though, especially with [...]