How to Make Your Home “Retirement Ready”
Moving when you’re entering retirement, or worse yet, when you’ve been in retirement for a few years, is the worst. I know because I’ve moved, we all have, and it’s always a hassle. Where do I move? How fast can I sell my house? How fast can I get a new house? Can I [...]
Funding Retirement…With a Little Help From My Friends
While the reverse mortgage loan changes have already been implemented, there were many seniors who tried to beat the rush beforehand by applying for a reverse mortgage loan before September 30. The reverse mortgage loan has become a secondary source of income for many seniors, who suffered irreparable losses during [...]
What’s a Baby Boomer to Do?
With More Debt During Retirement… It’s troubling to see that the debt that continues to trouble baby boomers as they enter their retirement is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, according to an article published in the New York Times, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that “30% of all homeowners [...]
Did Reverse Mortgages Become Less Attractive for Consumers
Depending on who you talk to, the opinion on the reverse mortgage changes will range from “horrible” to “the best thing that ever happened to the program.” I stand somewhere in the middle. The financial assessment still has me weary about the future of the program, mainly, because it will [...]
Success is About Helping Yourself By Helping Others…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years as a reverse mortgage professional is that you need others to be successful. Success is not a solitary endeavor. If anyone tells you it is, they’re lying. Think about it… How many people do you depend on, or refer to, on a [...]
Financial Planners Embrace Reverse Mortgages After Changes
Reverse Mortgages have been often seen as a “last resort.” They were, essentially, used by cash poor, house rich retirees, looking for an extra boost of cash flow in order to pay off outstanding debts. With this reputation in mind, I’m sure there were many retirees who never considered a reverse [...]