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Changes in the Reverse Mortgage Market

By |September 19th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Borrower Obligations, General Mortgage Info, Mortgage Requirements, Reverse Mortgage Changes, Reverse Mortgage Regulations|

Adapting to any given situation is essential for survival. Like many of us, I had to adapt during the 2007-2009 recession or perish like the rest of them. It’s not so much a choice anymore when financial burdens are breathing down your neck but it’s also an important part of life. [...]

In The Broker Business, Nothing is Ever Boring

By |September 17th, 2013|Categories: Bank Vs. Broker, General Mortgage Info|

According to an article publiushed by Mortgage Professional America, “Major Lender Closing Broker Channel,” EverBank, is closing its wholesale broker lending channel in order to focus on correspondent and consumer-direct business. The decision will effectively close wholesale lending centers in Dallas, Sacramento and Jacksonville, which will eliminate 150 positions nationwide. [...]

Baby Boomers are Prepared to Die But…

By |September 17th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Borrower Obligations, Florida Retirement, Retirement Myths, Retirement Planning, Reverse Mortgage Benefits, Reverse Mortgage Regulations|

Baby Boomers are Prepared to Die But…Are They Prepared to Retire? It sounds morbid, I know, but I think it’s important to know that baby boomers are, currently, five times more prepared for their passing than their retirement. According to a new Bankers Life and Casualty Company Center for a Secure [...]

FHA Looks for a Second Opinion on MMI Insurance Fund

By |September 16th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Borrower Obligations, General Mortgage Info, Mortgage Cautions, Reverse Mortgage Changes, Reverse Mortgage Regulations|

FHA Looks for a Second Opinion on MMI Insurance Fund The FHA is looking into getting a second opinion on the financial health of its Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, courtesy of  Summit Consulting, LLC and Miliman, Inc. The firm will conduct an independent analysis on the financial health of the MMI Fund [...]

There is No “Magic Number” in Retirement Planning

By |September 16th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Borrower Obligations, Florida Retirement, Retirement Myths, Retirement Planning, Reverse Mortgage Benefits|

What is the magic number? When will I get to the magic number? Is there even a magic number? What am I talking about? The amount of money you will need in order to retire comfortably. The truth is, I don’t think there is one. I don’t think there ever was [...]

Three Sure Fire Ways to Ruin Your Retirement

By |September 16th, 2013|Categories: Baby Boomers, Florida Retirement, Retirement Myths, Retirement Planning, Reverse Mortgage Benefits|

Three Sure Fire Ways to Ruin Your Retirement I’ve talked about ways to supplement your retirement before because, the fact of the matter is, Americans don’t seem to care enough about planning or saving for retirement. I don’t want to sound like a broken record but it’s true. As much as we [...]