Baby boomers have something else to worry about: their health.On top of depleting government resources, low cash flow, and increasing longevity, baby boomers are now are now more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes than the preceding generation, according an article published by ABC NEWS, based on a study done by JAMA Internal Medicine.The study was in accordance to statistics provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that Americans spend, roughly, $147 billion on obesity and $177 billion on diabetes. If this is any indication of what’s to come, baby boomers are in for a rough retirement. In truth, baby boomers would live in the U.S. have higher chronic disease rates, lower self-rated health and more disabilities.

On a more positive note, the study’s authors report:

“…baby boomers are less likely to smoke cigarettes and experience lower rates of emphysema and [heart attacks] than the previous generation.”

If there is a silver lining in this report, it’s the fact that, with enough education and awareness, previous sources of diseases and sickness, can be prevented or eradicated completely, i.e. cigarettes. It’s imperative to continue to educate baby boomers on how their actions in the present will affect their future, especially if they are living longer.In the past, retirement was considered the last stage of life. Not anymore. In fact, baby boomers are poised to become the longest living generation yet, albeit, less healthy than the previous one.

It’s time to make a change and prepare for the upcoming changes to the baby boomer generation.

Nothing in life is insured or guaranteed, especially our health. Perfectly health people suffer from life-threatening illness all the time just like people with perfectly unhealthy habits never suffer from anything a day in their life.

The key is to prepare for the unexpected and, of course, hope for the best.

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